Why do NFPs need a Powerful Mission Statement?
Inspiring Shared Purpose is difficult – Lacking a powerful mission statement makes it very challenging to keep everyone aligned day to day and year to year, without a mission statement there is no core purpose for individuals to reference when making decisions, or align to when planning.
What is a mission statement?
A short sentence, or two, that clearly articulate the organisation’s purpose, values, and core objectives.
Purpose-driven organizations, like charities, associations, and other non-profit entities, must succinctly stating why the group exists, how to achieve long-term goals and provide the context and framework for strategic and day-to-day planning.
Without profit as their primary goal, a clear mission helps guide decision-making, ensuring everyone knows the direction to follow and can assess whether they are meeting expectations and fulfilling their purpose.
Mission Statements ensure everyone “sticks to their knitting”
Why else do NFPs need a Powerful Mission Statement? – To prevent Mission Creep!
Mission Creep is one of the most expensive and divisive issues that Not For Profits face on a daily basis.
“What is Mission Creep?” – it is the expansion of the general activities beyond the stated goals or objectives.
It happens as additional tasks, responsibilities, or objectives are added to the group’s workload. And in particular additions without first making sure the new task has a clear plan as to how the additional work ties in with existing workload and demands.
Mission Creep causes inefficiencies, over-extension of people and resources, and loss of focus.
Clear and Current Missions Statements are the best way to prevent Mission Creep – a fantastic Mission statement will usually:
All in a few sentences using straightforward language so everyone can understand what is needed.
Mission Statements should be reviewed every 5 years or so.
Mission Statement Reviews ensure the power and purpose remain relevant, the mission is investigated and reviewed and a united decision is made, usually by the Board with input by the executive, staff and often other stakeholders, to either update the Powerful Mission Statement or keep the current one in place.
For more information about why mission statements are important, especially to NFPs, see this excellent post by GiveForms.