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How do I make sure everyone is across any changes that are needed?2024-09-10T08:20:04+00:00

Change is hard!

And not everyone will want to accept that change is needed – either way I make sure I bring EVERYONE along the journey by using proven change management systems.

What is a Change Management?

Change Management is an systematic approach to transitioning from a current state to a desired future state.
Change Management answers the question: “How can we effectively implement and manage change within an organization to ensure a smooth transition, minimize resistance, and achieve the desired outcomes?”

It typically addresses:

  • Preparation for change and cultural alignment
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Communications
  • Training and support
  • Managing resistance
  • Implementation and execution
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Risk Management
  • Feedback Loops

Change management addresses the comprehensive planning, execution, and support needed to ensure that organizational changes are implemented smoothly, with minimal disruption, and with the full engagement of all stakeholders. It ensures that the change achieves its intended goals while maintaining the organization’s effectiveness and morale.

Change Management is a communications piece that overlays the actual tasks, milestones, outcomes etc that are undertaken as part of the engagement.


How can I Guarantee this Not-for-Profit Success?2024-09-10T08:31:57+00:00

Steps used by Eve Diamond for guaranteeing your success

To guarantee you a successful outcome, you receive standard project management principles throughout our time together, either directly or in the background.

You and I tailor and agree your work assignment by assignment, as some clients choose to use our expertise to simply identify issues, or tune-up a specific area, while others prefer a full business revamp or a long term relationship and loop from beginning to end continually fostering growth and increasing impact.

The process for your engagement can be big or small – depending on your needs – the amount of assistance you need from beginning to end is totally up to you.

As a Member of CPA Australia I am bound by the Professional Standards Act. The overarching aims of a national regime are to improve professional standards compliance with high standards of quality assurance, risk management practices and disciplinary procedures, as well as required levels of professional development, ensure greater transparency and public accountability applies.

How can I ensure everything runs smoothly after Eve leaves?2024-09-11T05:00:03+00:00

Keeping everyone on the same page is easy when you have a clear page to keep everyone on!

To make sure the page doesn’t change randomly, or get forgotten, I use rigorous knowledge management systems.

What is a Knowledge Management?

Knowledge Management is the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge – and its associated Processes of creation, organization, diffusion, use and exploitation – in pursuit of business objectives.
Knowledge Management answers the question: “How can we effectively capture, organize, share, and utilize knowledge within our organization to enhance decision-making, innovation, and efficiency?”

It typically addresses:

  • Knowledge capture
  • Knowledge organisation
  • Knowledge use
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Knowledge retention
  • Knowledge creation, innovation and development
  • Knowledge technology
  • Knowledge governance

Your knowledge encompasses both tacit knowledge (in people’s heads) and explicit knowledge (recorded and saved as information in databases, documents etc.).

Many programs start by focusing on the thrust of better sharing of existing knowledge e.g. sharing best practices. However, if you cannot link the activities to the achievement of business goals, then it is not real knowledge management.

You get leveraged value through knowledge management because we also focus on:

  • Customer Knowledge – the most vital knowledge in most organizations
  • Knowledge in Processes – applying the best know-how while performing core tasks
  • Knowledge in Products (and Services) – smarter solutions, customised to users’ needs
  • Knowledge in People – nurturing and harnessing brainpower, your most precious asset
  • Organisational Memory – drawing on lessons from the past or elsewhere in the organisation
  • Knowledge in Relationships – deep personal knowledge that underpins successful collaboration
  • Knowledge Assets – measuring and managing your intellectual capital


How do I make sure Eve does a good job?2024-09-10T08:20:54+00:00

Good jobs come from delivering great quality, and I use a rigorous quality assurance system.

What is a Quality Assurance?

A systematic process aimed at ensuring that products, services, or processes meet specified quality standards and are consistent with the requirements and expectations of customers or stakeholders
Quality Assurance answers the question: “How can we ensure that our products, services, or processes consistently meet the required quality standards and satisfy customer expectations?”

Quality Assurance typically addresses:

  • Asking if the organisation is following the right processes to prevent issues and ensure quality
  • Identifying and improving areas where quality is low or inconsistent
  • Monitoring and maintaining quality at industry standards and within compliance requirements

Being CPAs and a registered public practice, quality assurance is a mandatory part of our requirements; as a Member of CPA Australia our firm is subject to tri-annual Quality Assurance Reviews – where the standard of our work and work processes are assessed, scored and approved by third party reviewers.  To date my scores have always been exemplary, and I look forward to using the same discipline with each and every project.


How do I make sure Eve identifies and takes care of Risks?2024-09-10T08:20:33+00:00

To make sure I minimise any negative or uncertain consequences of my work I use rigorous risk management systems.

What is a Risk Management?

Risk Management is the ability to reliably achieve outcomes you want, and to equally reliably prevent the outcomes you do not want.
Risk Management answers the questions: “What are the most significant risks we face? How likely are these risks to occur, and what would be their impact?” As well as “What plans and processes can we implement to prevent or minimize the impact of these risks??”

It typically addresses:

  • Risk Identification
  • Risk Assessment and Analysis
  • Risk Mitigations?
  • Risk Monitoring and Reporting
  • Risk Response Planning
  • Risk management
    • Regulatory Risks
    • Operational Risk
    • Financial Risk
    • Strategic Risk
    • Reputational Risk
    • Environmental and Social Risks
    • Tech and Cyber Risks

At heart, risk management is the Processes of making conscious decisions about appropriate levels
of risk. Ownership, accountability and overview are the cornerstones.

Strategies then need to be developed to manage the identified risks. This involves three types of strategies:

  1. Contingency Strategies: Bringing down to acceptable risk levels, risks of higher consequence but lower likelihood of occurrence.
  2. Preventative Strategies: lower consequences but higher likelihood of occurrence.
  3. Monitoring Strategies: both the likelihood and consequences are relatively low this covers both standard safeguards and ongoing review.

Where an area is identified as posing unsuitable levels of risk we work with you:

  • Design risk measurements and metrics
  • Risk assessments
  • Detailed risk analyses
  • Risk reporting
  • Issues risk management
  • Event capture and loss estimates
  • Risk mitigation planning
  • Risk acceptance

All risk management processes align with legal and regulatory requirements and include or link to relevant activities such as privacy, information security assessments, continuity of business assessments, and business impact analysis.