To make sure I minimise any negative or uncertain consequences of my work I use rigorous risk management systems.
What is a Risk Management?
Risk Management is the ability to reliably achieve outcomes you want, and to equally reliably prevent the outcomes you do not want.
Risk Management answers the questions: “What are the most significant risks we face? How likely are these risks to occur, and what would be their impact?” As well as “What plans and processes can we implement to prevent or minimize the impact of these risks??”
It typically addresses:
- Risk Identification
- Risk Assessment and Analysis
- Risk Mitigations?
- Risk Monitoring and Reporting
- Risk Response Planning
- Risk management
- Regulatory Risks
- Operational Risk
- Financial Risk
- Strategic Risk
- Reputational Risk
- Environmental and Social Risks
- Tech and Cyber Risks
At heart, risk management is the Processes of making conscious decisions about appropriate levels
of risk. Ownership, accountability and overview are the cornerstones.
Strategies then need to be developed to manage the identified risks. This involves three types of strategies:
- Contingency Strategies: Bringing down to acceptable risk levels, risks of higher consequence but lower likelihood of occurrence.
- Preventative Strategies: lower consequences but higher likelihood of occurrence.
- Monitoring Strategies: both the likelihood and consequences are relatively low this covers both standard safeguards and ongoing review.
Where an area is identified as posing unsuitable levels of risk we work with you:
- Design risk measurements and metrics
- Risk assessments
- Detailed risk analyses
- Risk reporting
- Issues risk management
- Event capture and loss estimates
- Risk mitigation planning
- Risk acceptance
All risk management processes align with legal and regulatory requirements and include or link to relevant activities such as privacy, information security assessments, continuity of business assessments, and business impact analysis.
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