Keeping everyone on the same page is easy when you have a clear page to keep everyone on!

To make sure the page doesn’t change randomly, or get forgotten, I use rigorous knowledge management systems.

What is a Knowledge Management?

Knowledge Management is the explicit and systematic management of vital knowledge – and its associated Processes of creation, organization, diffusion, use and exploitation – in pursuit of business objectives.
Knowledge Management answers the question: “How can we effectively capture, organize, share, and utilize knowledge within our organization to enhance decision-making, innovation, and efficiency?”

It typically addresses:

  • Knowledge capture
  • Knowledge organisation
  • Knowledge use
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Knowledge retention
  • Knowledge creation, innovation and development
  • Knowledge technology
  • Knowledge governance

Your knowledge encompasses both tacit knowledge (in people’s heads) and explicit knowledge (recorded and saved as information in databases, documents etc.).

Many programs start by focusing on the thrust of better sharing of existing knowledge e.g. sharing best practices. However, if you cannot link the activities to the achievement of business goals, then it is not real knowledge management.

You get leveraged value through knowledge management because we also focus on:

  • Customer Knowledge – the most vital knowledge in most organizations
  • Knowledge in Processes – applying the best know-how while performing core tasks
  • Knowledge in Products (and Services) – smarter solutions, customised to users’ needs
  • Knowledge in People – nurturing and harnessing brainpower, your most precious asset
  • Organisational Memory – drawing on lessons from the past or elsewhere in the organisation
  • Knowledge in Relationships – deep personal knowledge that underpins successful collaboration
  • Knowledge Assets – measuring and managing your intellectual capital